Everyone wants to keep their phones safe – it’s common knowledge. However, if your phone gets stolen you might start panicking and forget all your passwords and eventually give up and accept that your phones are gone. Google came up with a solution that can help avoid the stress and frustration that might arise in those moments.
So, to help you keep all your information safe and secure before or during any theft attempt, Google came up with a solution that will be used on any device that uses Android 10+, and some of the features are available on Android 15.
Android users will now be able to have better security on their devices before theft even happens. Some of those extra protection solutions regard factory reset upgrades, private space, and more steps when trying to change sensitive data from your apps. With this update, a factory reset will be unlikely for someone who doesn’t have or know your Google account credentials. So, stealing your phone to sell it as new will no longer be possible.
But this is not all – with the help of AI, your screen will lock when the phone is stolen. This is also called a theft detection lock and uses AI to sense when your phone is grabbed or snatched by a thief. So, when a motion associated with stealing is detected, the screen will automatically close and keep your data safe. Another feature that Android 10+ devices will appear if many attempts to open your phone are detected. And if you are thinking that there is nothing you can do when your phone is off-grid, well, that will no longer be the case as Offline Device lock can protect you.
Credits: blog.googleIn the case when your phone is stolen, you can quickly lock your phone and protect your private information. With only your phone number, you can access Find My Device and have enough time to recover your account even when remembering your passwords seems impossible. Just log your phone number and other security challenges that will help you wipe your phone and keep any information safe.