n Friday, Apple launched its special Apple Store in India, which has strengthened its presence in the country known as the most crowded in terms of growing
consumer demand. Even more so, in order to maximize this strategy, the Apple Store app which is available in India, gives customers the possibility of purchasing Apple products directly while still receiving personalized shopping recommendations as the company said in a statement.
Even more so, the app allows users to customize their Macs with even more powerful chips, additional memory, or storage. Users wanted all of these new features because they gave them easier access to better options.
This shift comes as Apple wishes to work to enforce its foothold in India, where it previously opened their first physical store in Mumbai and Delhi in 2023. Additionally, the company is ready to open other stores in Bengaluru, Pune, and other parts of Delhi and Mumbai.
Apple’s head of online retail, Karen Rasmussen, said in a statement, “At Apple, our customer is at the center of everything we do, and we are thrilled to introduce the Apple Store app to reach even more users in India, further deepening our connections.”
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The app that has been introduced has different tabs for products, personalized recommendations, and even post-purchase support which includes online setup sessions with Apple’s Specialists. On the app that has been introduced, customers can also sign up for free training sessions and find out more about Apple trade-in and other financing options as well as free engravings that well-known devices such as Air Pods and iPads in as many as eight languages.
It’s also worth mentioning that India has become the second-largest smartphone market in the world, slowly becoming one of the most significant ones for the company, also logging into expanding their manufacturing to China. The production of iPhones in India started in 2017 and has ever since expanded.
Bill O'Neill
January 17, 2025 11:50 AM