But let’s face it – incorporating AI into financial operations might also be one of the most beneficial developments for the industry in itself. Not only is it a consistent disruptor of traditional business models, but it even revolutionized the entire banking sector. Artificial intelligence has also made financial processes more efficient and precise, lowering operational costs and improving profits. It has also allowed banks to give individualized services to consumers as well as generate more focused goods and services. AI has also enabled banks to digest vast volumes of data more rapidly, helping them to make better judgments. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
So let’s see dive a little deeper into the role of artificial intelligence in the Fintech sector!
We’ve already started to become aware of the power of conversational AI technologies – and there’s no denying the advantageous position that fintech companies can hold by using them to their advantage. Chatbots, AI-powered virtual assistants, and especially natural language processing (NLP) tools. They all can be leveraged to automate customer service and experience.
Whether it is to quickly handle simple (or even more complex) inquiries, offer customized financial advice, or even process transactions, one thing is clear. Such applications have the potential to optimize the processes operated by fintech companies. And the best part? They can offer assistance 24/7. By enabling providers a new way of interacting with their customers, artificial intelligence proved to be a fantastic integration in the fintech sector.
Let’s face it – as in any manual recording, there is always a chance of error. And when it comes to financial transactions, this possibility is much more increased. And the worst part? Even a minor mistake can be extremely dangerous since we’re dealing with private information.
Yet, the danger of potential data breaches or other financial errors can considerably decrease with the implementation of an AI-based computerized system. Such technologies can monitor data entry, track financial transactions, and eventually prevent financial losses. And that’s not all! By being able to detect any irregularity, not only can they ensure that payments are successfully and accurately completed, but they also make sure that any suspicious activities are identified and stopped.
So this leads us to… The importance of a good fraud detection system.
Can you believe that back in the day, loans were given out just through your ID card? And, as you can imagine, the prevalence of fraudulent activities, scams, or other unethical double-sided practices was quite excessive. And it wasn’t even controllable!
But AI in fintech and other financial institutions prevents this from happening. Now, AI-powered software can permanently track transactions in real time and automatically detect potential scams or unusual activities. And it can be achieved continuously, not only between the 9-5 working schedule. But by developing algorithms, fintech companies and institutions can promptly notify their users and effectively reduce and even eradicate the possibility of fraud.
Believe it or not, the assessment of a person’s credit risk might be one of the most promising and meaningful developments of AI in fintech.
The traditional method of credit scoring relied heavily on previous data – payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history, to evaluate the possibility of a borrower repaying their debts.
AI also does that! But more! And much faster! Not only does an algorithm perform these assessments more efficiently and comprehensively than any other human could, but it can also evaluate this process with much more information at hand. It can go as in-depth as looking into the borrower’s social media activity so that they can create an even more accurate risk profile.
The integration of AI in the trading algorithm - is this the future of the stock market?
The stock market has been a point of interest for everyone for more than a hundred years. And for the longest time, a vast amount of market data was processed and registered manually. But times have changed! And with the advancement of technology paving the way for many possibilities – one of them being the integration of AI in the trading algorithm.
With the ability to process incredibly large data and historical patterns, it has the potential to identify profitable trading opportunities. But, being able to adapt to market conditions and identify new trading patterns is what makes AI-powered systems reliable to the stock market.
It’s undeniable that the role of AI in fintech has demonstrated incredible growth in recent years. And for a good reason! After all, look at all of the benefits that come along with it! So, if there’s something we’re sure of is that we must all be prepared for even substantial development in the next few years.